Dear Friends and Supporters,
Welcome Back! We hope you have had an enjoyable month. The children have certainly had lots of exciting events to share. We know you all will continue to work with us, so our children can grow in confidence, with love of learning , and a determination to be the best they can be.
New Academic Session
It is lovely to see the children returning to school, looking so smart in their school uniforms. The children are the important gift from God. So we treasure them, guide them and support them- this time is crucial so we focus on that.
We are continuing with our phrase 'Good, better, best, never rest until our good gets betters and our better gets best- this reminds us to do our best every day in every way. We are focusing on it's not what we say it's what we do'.
The Garden of Dreams
We arranged for some of the children to visit a place in Thamel called ''The Garden of Dreams,'' two acres of high-walled compound filled with koi ponds and Roman- influnced gazebos, meditation areas and places that invite one to lie down and sleep.
Children enjoyed to see the grassy areas surrounded by beautiful flowers, swimming fish happily, lizards and the small tadpoles in ponds .
After a couple of hours we walked across the street for ice- cream.
Birthday of the Month
We would like to let you all know that we had a great surprise birthday party with wishes and gifts for our General Manager Mr. Ramesh Bhatta.
In return, he celebrated his special day by giving chocolates, bringing and cutting the cake to share with the children.
Also we like to let you all know that we celebrated the birthday of our two children named Simana and Sita.
Once again happy birthday !
Mother's Day
26th April was Mother's Day in Nepal also known as ‘Mata Tirtha Ausi'. People pay homage to their mothers presenting her with her favorite food, clothing and various gifts on this day. Our children also celebrated by making and giving cards to their caregivers. Enjoyed by having varieties of Ice- cream.

Credit / Debit / Pay Pal donations
can now easily and securely be made:
Mail check or international money order to:
696 Alberta Avenue, Apt. 3, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 USA
Telephone: +1-650-417-5977
Website Email
(all checks made out to “NECO Foundation” will be earmarked for NECO Home in Kathmandu)
$150 to provide full sponsorship for one child per month
$40 to provide for one month English-medium education
$50 to provide food for one month
$10 to buy one pair of shoes or school uniform
$5 for school supplies
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Copyright © 2017, Nepal Children Orphan Home
Selected text, photos and layout by Samjhana Gurung,