Dear Friends, here is the latest update of May. We are very thankful to all helping hands and well wishers of NECO. Children are happy and healthy with the contribution, love and support you are sending to us.
ARRIVAL OF MR. BISHOW BHATTA,Founder of Nepal Children Orphan Home
We got visited by some wonderful volunteers this month
1.Christina Nicole, Yinghsi Liu, Rebekka Alpermann, Nadia Cristobal, Eva Amanda, Rita Pans and Eglantina Di Mase.
A team of Yoga Instructors belonging to five different countries, U.S.A. , Spain, Germany, Taiwan and Sweden, took Yoga classes from 18th of May to the 20th. Children got to learn such a wonderful form of exercise and they showed full interest and enthusiasm for Yoga. Thank you so much to the team of volunteer
2.Erika Baral :
Young and enthusiastic Erika Baral from U.S.A. , came to NECO as volunteer on 23rd and 24th May. She shared her knowledge of Singing and Health Care with the children of NECO. Our children Practicing vocal in unity room seemed and sounded wonderful. Erika brought ice-cream for children and performed three songs in her beautiful voice. Most of the children's hobby is to sing and this time they got some tips along with notes of Alankaar and Palta from Erika to improve the quality of the voice of children.
On 20th May, taekwondo Grading and belt testing ceremony was held at Nepal Taekwondo Association Satdobato, Lalitpur. Taekwondo Care Nepal has sponsored the expenses of grading program as well as waiving any fees for our Children. Taekwondo Care Nepal holds this special program for Orphans of Nepal.
All Children of NECO took the test except Half Black Belt Holders (their test will be taken on second week of June). Our children performed very well. International Taekwondo player and various medal holder Mr. Dipak Bista also witnessed the performance of our children and appreciated their effort and dedication for Taekwondo. All the NECO children are promoted to the next level (belt).
Please Help us. Start donating today to save the lives of the kids!!!!

Credit / Debit / Pay Pal donations
can now easily and securely be made:
Mail check or international money order to:
696 Alberta Avenue, Apt. 3, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 USA
Telephone: +1-650-417-5977
Website Email
(all checks made out to “NECO Foundation” will be earmarked for NECO Home in Kathmandu)
$150 to provide full sponsorship for one child per month
$40 to provide for one month English-medium education
$50 to provide food for one month
$10 to buy one pair of shoes or school uniform
$5 for school supplies
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Copyright © 2017, Nepal Children Orphan Home
Selected text and photos by Alina Nepal and Samjhana Gurung.
Edited by Samjhana Gurung.