March 2018, Newsletter
Painting Project
Happy to see the wall painting in the passages from dining hall through the way of Frank and Valarie Hostel , painted by their own creations. It was guided by our volunteer Crystal Le .
She sponsored all the necessary materials and paints. Thank you Crystal for your great ideas and support to paint!
Creating ideas.
Painting turn by turn
School's Parents Day
Almost, all our kids performed and showed their talents in their School Parents' Day. They did dances, anchor and dramas. Also showed Taekwondo Dance. Felt proud to see their activities !
For the Taekwondo Dance Performance, click on the link. (Video taken by Crystal )
Holi Celebration
1st March, Good Time, and Good Event, it was a beautiful spring day when NECO family celebrated Ho li. We celebrated the birthday of Sachin as well. He is a friend from outside the orphanage who wished to celebrate his birthday with us. Also that day was the welcome day ofour two new volunteers named Gill and Alison. They are from the UK.
Actually, Holi is the Hindu Spring Festival, also known as the festival of colors. We smeared each other with colors and water. Danced a lot and ate varieties of food, extra foods than usual! Itwas sponsored by the birthday boy. Thank you so much Sachin! Children had a great time!
Here's the photo gallery of the Holi Celebration.

During February and March we have had the unusual fortune and pleasure to work with so many wonderful volunteers: Crytal, Ellen, Jacqueline, Christina, Anna, Gill and Alison. It is a bounty when we have such magnificent volunteers, and so many in just a few weeks. Gill and Alison still at NECO volunteering. We had a project to give vocational training like dancing (Contemporary Dance and Physical Theater), cooking as well as sewing to those who were doing well academically and were interested in extracurricular activities.
Here's some link to Crytal’s video describing how she felt about NECO.
Chandragiri Visit
On March 8th, 2018, the NECO family was invited to adventure in Chandragiri Cable Car by Sachin, (whose’ family came to NECO Home to celebrate his birthday with the kids). We all were very excited to explore the new technology and to see the panoramic views of Kathmandu Valley and Himalaya ranges from Annapurna to Mt.Everest. But that day was no our lucky day, we couldn't see the views of what we are expected to see due to the fog. Nevertheless, we enjoyed visiting and watching religious and historical place of Bhaleshwor Mahadev that was linked up with the unification process of Nepal of Late King Prithivi Naryan Shah. Besides these important monuments, there are facilities for the kids to play. They played a lot whatever they liked! Also they did horse riding. Enjoyed a lot!
NECO Family appreciated Sachin and his family's time, efforts and interests given to us and thank you so much for giving us such a golden opportunity to visit Chandragili Hills.

Generous Donation
Before going back to America , Crystal donated lots of accessories to girls, sports things like soccer to boys and fruits to all. Also our recent two volunteers Gill and Alison Donated Bed sheets and pillow covers for the kids. Ms. Alison herself made the bed sheets and pillow covers. What a wonderful gift! And she has a plan to teach the kids after their final examination how to do that. Also they brought color pencils, dolls, drones to the kids.
Thank you all for your generous donation !

Credit / Debit / Pay Pal donations
can now easily and securely be made:
Mail check or international money order to:
Telephone: +1-650-417-5977
Website Email
(all checks made out to “NECO Foundation” will be earmarked for NECO Home in Kathmandu)
$150 to provide full sponsorship for one child per month
$40 to provide for one month English-medium education
$50 to provide food for one month
$10 to buy one pair of shoes or school uniform
$5 for school supplies
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Copyright © 2018, Nepal Children Orphan Home
Selected text and photos by Samjhana Gurung.