Welcome and Namaste from our old picture to NECO Update!
We hope this updated newsletter finds you safe and healthy. We are now almost 100 days into our lockdown and still seems to be a long day. It seems to be in bad situations for the daily wages people. So in the last few weeks, we were a little bit busy distributing hunger relief packages for the needy people. Also like to update, once again that, till this date, we NECO Family are still staying healthy and happy.

Also we like to let you know that, even the school being closed, our children are staying up to date with their studies through their online coursework and through their seniors. Senior graduated children helping their junior in tutoring and even in every schedule from morning till going to their bed. Besides these, we all like to ensure that all our children stay engaged with any kinds of productive activities as well as with fun activities like, doing yoga and martial arts as well as with gaining knowledge from computers, playing games, reading, gardening, cooking, dancing, and swimming and so on.
Happy to say that, the children are not feeling locked down!
Here’s some clips of their busy schedule!

According to their interest our children doing either Yoga or Martial Art. As our record majority of senior girls prefer Yoga then Martial Art where most of junior children and boys like to do Martial Art.

One of the Senior Children Helping in tutoring where some of them practice their works in white board. And we had separated senior and junior for the computer class.

Junior kids playing with the new born baby rabbit.

Children like to look different by removing their hair. Picture with Ramesh. And the second picture is taken after the apple was picked up to eat. It’s so delicious. We enjoyed it!

Children learn to swim in a fish pond. They utilize their fish pond in learning rather than going to the swimming pool in their leisure time. And boys having “Dahi Chura” in Ashar 15.

Our security guard is stitching the clothes in his free time where in the second picture, kids are getting knowledge of the Nepali Music Instruments named Sarangi and Madal.

And in the last few weeks we celebrated the birthday party of the children
Stay Safe and Healthy!!
With Deep Appreciation,
Samjhana Gurung
Credit / Debit / Pay Pal donations
can now easily and securely be made:
Mail check or international money order to:
Telephone: +1-650-417-5977
Website Email
(all checks made out to “NECO Foundation” will be earmarked for NECO Home in Kathmandu)
$200 to provide full sponsorship for one child per month
$50 to provide for one month English-medium education
$60 to provide food for one month
$30 to buy one pair of shoes or school uniform
$10 for school supplies
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Copyright © 2020, Nepal Children Orphan Home
Selected text and photos by Samjhana Gurung.
Edited by Samjhana Gurung.