New Place - New Academic Session- Summer, Power Cuts !
WOW, how fast is the time running ? May - already, half of the year 2022 ! No update till these days ? Ye.. we're a little busy. We shifted to a new place, construction work not finalized yet, hot days- Power cut off.
Power cuts meant no electricity, no internet, no air to get cool - temperature above 33℃ - continually sweltering, exhausted days . Thanks for our old petrol generator (bought from Kathmandu) , providing some relief - though being a little bit expensive in petrol.
Even we are exhausted these days, we are enjoying open space with no pollution, no crowded- no traffic , no shortage of water supply. We get fresh vegetables near the farm and grow vegetables in our own compound.

Pic : Under SEE in their school uniform - New Academic Season 2022.

Pic: In their Sports Uniform.

Bina with her shield in Drawing Competition. Organized by Chitwan National Park on World Environment Day 2022.

SEE Children 2078/79. All're waiting for their results.

Previous School Sports Medal 🎖 🥈 😍🥰
Graduated Children Updates

Graduated Children - Sharmila joined Bachelor in Hotel Management, Simana with eye glass waiting for the entry in Bsc. in Nursing, Ratan already joined BSC in CSIT, Choki (with yellow sari) and Bibash (with black coat) joined Management, Dipa ( with yellow jacket) joined Charter Accountant and Anusha (with blue dress) joined BSC this year.

And Aayush with black jacket and Ram Prasad giving with his junior medal attending exams of grade 11. Next year they 'll also join the Bachelor.

Timati with black cap now working as cook in one of the reputed hotels in Thamel (Famous Tourist Area of Kathmandu Valley) and Durga with white dress going to finish BSc. Nursing from Bangalore next year.

We had Taekwondo Second Don Grading for twelve children and grading for eight children for under black belt.

Children're busy to collect the vegetables and corn.

Girls' building from front side and utilizing the space by building attached wash room. We've to put all bathroom and toilet sheet with tiles to keep clean. It's on the process. Later have to color it also.

Back Side of the girls building. Now it going to be main front side of the compound and the 2nd picture was of the Dinning Hall. The brick pavemnt join the girls building and dinning hall. Later it'll be join to the main building which is on the plan. In middle of the path we can see the hole digging that will gone to be pond for the fish. Over the pond we've bridge which we can see in next newsletter.

Dining Hall - Using Multi- Purposes for kids. We installed AC on credit to fight the heat. There's a lot of room to install AC. Due to the heat in the boys' building we had to shift them to another house.
It's necessary to quickly build the main building in the middle of the girls building (temporary ) and in the dining hall.
Also we put gypsum board on the ceiling below the bamboo in the girls room to minimize heat. It'll be fine if we can install AC in all girls and boys rooms.

Back Side of the Compound and the new house for the chicken, duck and rabbits.

It's necessary to make another store room near the kitchen because we 've to store far away from the kitchen building. Difficult to carry in rain and in hot weather

Credit / Debit / Pay Pal donations
can now easily and securely be made:
Mail check or international money order to:
Telephone: +1-650-417-5977
Website Email
(all checks made out to “NECO Foundation” will be earmarked for NECO Foundation in Kathmandu)
$200 to provide full sponsorship for one child per month
$50 to provide for one month English-medium education
$60 to provide food for one month
$30 to buy one pair of shoes or school uniform
$10 for school supplies
*Prepared By: Samjhana Gurung|*
Our mailing address is:
*[email protected]*