NECO Foundation

A loving home for every child.

During these #happyholidays you could 
Send a young child to school
Feed the hungry
Provide shelter for homeless
Make the cold winter warmer with warm clothes.

Let the spirit of love gently fill our heart and homes.
In this loveliest of seasons may you find many reasons for happiness. 
Best wishes for Happy Holidays and a magnificent New Year.

I for you and you for all.
Our thanks and immense gratitude.
Donate Now to change life.


Change one life, change the world. Your donations will directly help save and improve a child’s life.

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NECO Home is seeking enthusiastic and talented volunteers to help educate children and improve the quality of life.


Latest Posts

NECO Home Independent Report

Volunteer Logistics Personal experience: I spoke to Bishow in person to learn more about the NECO home. The website gave a sufficient amount of information on the basics but did not divulge too much information on all of the children or the volunteer program. Due to Bishow and my travel schedules, we were not able […]

The Gift Of Potential

Small faces and hands crowd next to my own; gently clamoring for a view of the pictures on my phone. They want to know what my husband and my home looks like; is it cold in California? Which country do I like the best? How many brothers and sisters do I have? There are collective […]


Bishow Bhatta


Born in Nepal in 1975, he was greatly influenced by his grandfather at a young age to be an advocate for those less fortunate. His grandfather, an orphan himself, became the inspiration that would become the driving force behind NECO.

Our Supporter

Children Education Foundation

Children Education Foundation is a non-profit organization
Passionately dedicated to feed thousands 
of orphans and disadvantaged children 
around the world.